Comments : Depressive Bliss: An I'm Sorry Poem

  • 16 years ago

    by iM LYiNG tO MY SELf

    OMG!!! LOVED this!!! It was very cute and the rythm flowed very nicely!! Plus this is exactally how I feel right now!! GREAT JOB!! Def deserves a 5/5!! :D

  • 16 years ago

    by StandStill

    Wow. So first, this was great...but aren't they always. I ((ME)) get jealous of your ((YOU)) poetry. Just in case you didn't know that. And this was sort of relatable in that, numb with a hundred things to say, but none of them mean a thing sort of way..

    Love, I'm sorry for everything
    And for everything I'm not
    But I will always love you
    I told you, but you forgot

    ^^ I really really love this stanza, jesse. honest. it's just...idk. the last line is heart breaking...
