Behind every broken dream...
Is a broken spirit...
Girl: Ki, can you write me a letter?
Guy: About what?
Girl: Can you tell me how much you love me?
Guy: That could take all night.
Girl: Its ok, I can wait
[While he types late into the night,
his girlfriend sleeps quietly]
At night I would watch you sleep,
Hoping to see what caused the pain in her heart.
I thought maybe if I stayed
Awake while she dreamed,
I would be able to see what troubled her.
That night, I saw her at peace
For the very first time.
The letter that I wrote her,
May be the one thing she treasures
Most while we are apart.
This is how we spent our
Last night together.
She is leaving tomorrow...
[Puts on her sunglasses while staring outside the window]
There are times when I wished
I could disappear, however I cannot do magic.
So I can only wear my sunglasses
And pretend that no one can see me
And no one can see the pain in my eyes.
I always think of home,
I miss my mom, my sister and the friends I left.
I thought leaving them,
I would find more happiness.
But all I found was loneliness and pain.
I wanted to tell him everything
That happened but it would only cause
Him more pain and sorrow when I leave...
[At airport]
The day she left me to go back,
Thinking there was nothing here
While she was with me,
But all she needed,
Was right in front of her eyes...
[Puts on sunglasses]
I remember she once told me,
The reason why she wore sunglasses
Was to hide from people,
So they couldn't see the pain in her eyes...
Now I understand...
"I remember she once told me,
The reason why she wore sunglasses
Was to hide from people,
So they couldn't see the pain in her eyes...
Now I understand..."
it's amazing what sunglasses can do. You can hide from the public, from friends, lovers and obv the sun. ;)
Such a poignant ending. it really gets the heartbreak across to the reader yet with limited wording. So it hits even harder.