Shut in Heaven

by East Poetry   Jun 4, 2004

I'm so exited, I just cant wait.
Exhilarated, I see the gate.

I've waited forever for this chance.
I look around for one last glance.

I raise my hand to send goodbyes,
tears of joy swell in my eyes.

With every blink, a new tears trace,
I think about my mother's face.

I can not wait to feel her care.
And from that point, a life we'll share.

I continued on, and as I walked.
The gate swung shut, and suddenly locked.

I turned around in my surprise,
and saw the sorrow in all their eyes.

Not ten feet away I hit the floor.
Agony, despair, and so much more.

The gates of Heaven had shut me in.

A victim to ...ABORTION

~please vote and comment~


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  • 12 years ago

    by L

    I read this poem a long time ago and I thought I left my comment but it seems like I didn't. Oh well! When I finished reading this piece, I thought that the way you use "The gates of heaven had shut me in" that instead of being an encouraging phrase to say no to abortion.. is doing the opposite. I mean there are so many people who feel that earth is hell and they want to be in heaven and if the gates of heaven had shut that baby in.. Good for the baby because it won't come to know hell.. That's the way I thought when I finished reading that line.

    I'm against abortion, I think we need more little angels on earth.

    So that line was my only critique.

  • 13 years ago

    by Mello193

    Haha at first i thought this was a poem about dying, then i thought of the poem as dying and going to Hell. then you pull abortion! so unexpected! amazing. clever. awesome. great fun to read.

  • 14 years ago

    by Wishmaster

    Amazing write! It flowed well and really painted a picture in my mind! Great job!

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This poem is powerful and well written about a worthy theme

  • 15 years ago

    by fvalconbridge

    This was a beautiful poem, i really didnt expect that end but i liked it. :D It was well written and the rhyming wasn't half bad lol