Crushed Heart

by Briana   Aug 11, 2008

You crushed my heart
That is why I'm lying on the floor
I cant stop the tears from coming
I don't want to hurt anymore
You ripped it open
And it hurt so bad
The grieving is unbearable
And its making my mind go mad
This is something i cannot handle
These feelings are too deep inside
I don't want to love no more
So all I can do now is lay here and cry
I have no more control
I have let everything go
Nothing can make this better
Because ill always love you so.



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  • 16 years ago

    by Baybeeh

    That explains me perfectly right now.

    good job 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Anthony M

    The dark, inevitable side of love explained. The reader can instantly identify with where you are in love's viscious cycle.