Comments : What you are to me

  • 20 years ago

    by East Poetry

    Sean Allen ( P ) at 2004-06-03

    It's a shame that is poem has to be stuck in the Slang section. I thought the descriptions used were particuarly good in this poem, and the creative, if not old fashioned, abbreviation of words (e.g. e'er) made the poem not only flow better, but also made it more interesting. Good job on this poem.

    David Velazquez ( F P C D ) at 2004-06-03

    Very nice idea, I tried that once and it just didnt come out. I loved your words, and how you were able to make this work.

    ×Jules× at 2004-06-03

    Great job. I liked the words you used, and the idea and of saying THE PERFECT WIFE in the begining of each sentence. This poem of yours had really good flow.

    Andrea Carlon at 2004-06-03

    WOW! Beautifully written. This is another one of my favs! It's so touching and moving...and I love the way when you look at each first word it spells out the perfect wife. You are very creative. I love it. Your wife is one lucky lady. Keep writing. This is a marvelous poem. Bravo!


    Tiffany at 2004-06-03

    HEY great poem. I wish I could write something that was happy.LOL. I juzz love your poems. Keep up the good work.

  • 20 years ago

    by Emilia

    Hej, nice poem.. you really know how too use words right.. I gave you a 5 =)
    please comment and rate my poems
    It would make me very happy


  • 20 years ago

    by Tamila Bob

    nice poem and i don't think you did any thing to me in a past life.i sorry i gave like all your poems bad rating was bored.i love all your poems so sorry.ok bye.

  • 20 years ago

    by Ashmore

    Nice job Randy, good work like always. Cute. Im glad you feel the way you do, and Im sure the person you wrote it for loved it.

  • 20 years ago

    by hayley williams

    Wow another brilliant poem Randy, you worked well with the letters you had.
    You and your wife are lucky to have found such love, i wish you all the best xx

  • 20 years ago

    by PnQ Mod Account

    great work, Randy!

    I LOVE (hate) doing acrostic poems... LOL....

    They are so fun to do...but can sometimes cause great, massive headaches!

  • 20 years ago

    by jennifer cheng

    hiiiiiiiiiii dats nice i reallie like dis u have a reallie great tatlent keep up da good work i hope to see more great work from u wellz yea um.... bye.........

  • 20 years ago

    by Amy

    Wow!! Randy, this was great!! So sweet too!! Lol...acrostic poems are so difficult...I never do them...heheh. Anyway, you did it so wonderfully!! Great job!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by David C

    Wow.. this is great!.. Thanks for giving me advice, it really helps. But wow.. I like this poem. So awesome. I'll never be as good as you are.. hehe..

  • 20 years ago

    by Kevin

    Your better than this man, it's like a lame pop song by someone who used to be in the Beatles.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but i thought i was mince compated with what you are capable of.

  • 20 years ago

    by Logan Rudolph

    im glad u finally got a poem out like that it s pretty good i like it =D i wrote another one and im gonna put it on my part soon

  • 20 years ago

    by joe

    wow that was really beautiful...awesome work

  • 20 years ago

    by Kia

    that is a really good poem, very sweet i love, awesome job.

  • 20 years ago

    by pinkalias

    Well, i really did admire the first couple stanzas. The first two lines I thought your symbolism was lovely, I really admire the choice and imagery you used. Your metphors and comparisons in the second stanza were also lovely and created an atmosphere of romance for the piece that makes it all the more appreciated, lovely job.

    howevere, I didn't really care for the last stance. It lost the symbolism and comparison you used for the rest of the piece and wasn't so emotionally descriptive either. I do understand why you put it in though, I just thought you could have written it in a mroe poetic way.

    Overall though I think you did a pretty good job. The first two stances as I said before were lovely and I loved the way you worded them . so overall, well written and lovely job.

    *p.s. though, I saw what you commented on Kevin Murray about his comment, and I think you should really learn to take critisizm, especially civil and polite critisizm. Whats the point of recieving comments if all you want to hear is praise? If you want something real, I think you should have appreciated his comment.
    just a thought*

  • 20 years ago

    by larissa

    SO SW33T

  • 19 years ago

    by Melissa Deschamps

    omg thnx :D

  • 19 years ago

    by Melissa Deschamps

    yuppers it is :D

  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    A style I haven't yet attempted, but will note for the future. You did a great job on it.
    As an aside ... are you now writing under another name, or have you given up? Curious with no recent posts and I think you're very talented.

  • 19 years ago

    by silhouette fairy

    i love it
    short simple and sweet
    again another amazing poem
    love it

  • 18 years ago

    by Logan Rudolph

    Wow randy u do it so much better than me im glad to see u doing that because to me its like u saying u agree with how ive arranged my poems and means alot to me thanks!