Comments : Hold On Tight, Sweetie, We're Falling Faster

  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Amazing job, Sometimes poems dont need to make sense to be beautiful, However i agree with the person above, this poem describes everythng perfectly!
    Great work your choice of wording was great and the flow worked quite well =]

  • 16 years ago

    by Lil Ash

    WELL done sos my comments are so

  • 16 years ago

    by Lil Ash

    WELL done sos my comments are so

  • 16 years ago

    by BrokenREALiTy

    ...Omg. I never read this one! *dies.

    it's death

    First stanza is deadly. Being a (regretfully) ballerina myself, the thought of a never-ending performance makes me shiver with the intensity and lethality of such an image. I actually pictured a beautiful coryphée doing some insanely sick dance, and just collapsing from the lack of air. Stunning.

    Leaps and bounds so graceful, yet shaky,
    rocking you to sleep at night.
    `We move through life fragile, beautifully but so insecure or without enough strength. At some point in our lives we become so numb that we just can't stand up anymore, and just curl up in our sheets and sleep.

    Comets missile past, unnoticed, unseen.
    Mockingbird's songs go unheard.
    The glue ripped away, now exposed,
    as you lurch through words slurred.
    `Gorgeous stanza. The imagery burst through your words here--misguided splendor left unseen. The parts of us that we just don't want to give away and let go of to those we care and trust...

    Hold tight to wilted surroundings.
    Stumble your way across the stones.
    Dear, you're really losing it,
    but I'll ignore your imploring moans.
    `AHHHHHHH . I LOVE IT! The brush-off at the end, it's so cold, but this is such a true attitude to humanity. Whether we admit it or not, there's more than just a few points in life where we want to or have done this.

    Your ending is just adoring. I feel like ... this is a simple way of living and handling and just going through life. It's dark, and we just have to get over it. Blow your wishes and hope they come back to become real ... or just let them flow away.

    ily, Cayce and your awesome poems :D
