
by Dwite Fry   Aug 13, 2008

We've all been comfortable and wanted nothing more
We've all been treated like royalty
And then been unceremoniously shown the door
We've all beaten a Tyrannosaurus
And given a good ol' mighty roar
We've all fought for someone
Who didn't want fighting for
We've all be Kong sometime

We've all been made to look a freak
And didn't understand why they did it
We've all felt chained or shackled
And we've all felt put on exhibit
We've all let our fear take over
Felt scared and failed to inhibit
We've all been Kong sometime

We've all cared to much for someone
And got all wildly angry
We've all made ourselves look a monster
Cos we've acted like a monstrosity
We've all had a strop, all blown our top
And we've all died and fell
For someone who's unobtainable totally
We've all been Kong sometime
We've all been Kong sometime


This follows the basic story-line of RKO's 1930s version of King Kong (not the subsequent re-makes though Peter Jackson's 2000s remake is gorgeous) it is the ultimate metaphor for life lol.

If the was ever recorded, Fay Wray's fabulous scream would be mixed into it.


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