Here, it is!!

by Thomas   Aug 14, 2008

A stage is set before you, but your life's story is incomplete,
You don't know which page you will turn to, nor any of the people you shall meet,
So you will have to improvise, take every day like you have before,
Take a chance on some people, let them into your life's door,

By looking at the cast, I cannot see my name,
But with all these amazing people in it, its not my place to complain,
Everyone is a major role, as they made you who you are,
They will be with you until the close, the distance near of far,

Consider special people, people who love you and who care,
I just wonder whose the main role with you, who'd take the bullet for you if it was there?

A stage is set before you, so we have to see it through,
No one knows the plot, well nobody execpt for you,
Lets jump out of your life story, take a seat and just see,
Watch your own decisions and see who you will eventually be,

The bright lights are turning, its soon time for the start,
Lets fast forward though and see who stole your heart,
I usually miss out act one, its boring nine of ten times,
I usually skip through it and read between the lines,

What follows is the longest scene, of course its act two,
You wouldn't want this to end though, this ones all about you,
Its your birthday you can see, so i doubt you'd want it to end,
It's filled with happiness, laughter and more than just one friend,

On rolls act three, it is moving thick and fast,
I want to know about you though, so i hope the next scenes last,
Here you are away and it seems that everyone around you cares,
In this act you find, that everyone will always be there,

So here is act 4, we are coming to the close,
You haven't lived you life this far, but this ending you still know,
On comes this guy called Tom, he presents you with a rose,
This has happened before in your life, his love and care you already know,

And now its act five, every good play ends on that,
Who you chose to be with then, will just go down as fact,
Written in your life's story, just seconds from the close,
Will Tom get to take you out, only you and your pen knows,

A stage is set before you, but it is all plain and bare,
You will have to make props from the people that love you and care,
Think about your friends their love and happiness brought,
this is one prop you'll use in life, just one thing that they taught.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Sarahh

    I liked it a lot :)
    great work 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Thomas

    Please see, the stanza which reads 'so here is act 4' with a number, is supposed to be like that. Its the first time i have mentioned myself in a poem, so i wanted it to stand out.