An angel in disguise

by emo gurl   Aug 16, 2008

An angel in disguise,
Never will accept your lies,

An angel in disguise,
Never to die,
Going strong forever,
Everlasting strength, to fail, never,
Loving her country and bringing us together,

In her disguise she will stay,
Never will her true emotions be on display,

Doing what is right for everyone else,
In a world where she must leave her emotions high on the shelf,
She is still standing strong to this day,
Guiding others so they don't go astray,
Under the stars she lies at night,
Indications start to show of her longs lasting flight,
She thinks of what tomorow may have in store,
Every moment her strength growing even more.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Cierra

    I like this poem , i mean it symbolized strength in my opinion and well overall it was pretty good