Little Girl

by ImTheGirl   Aug 16, 2008

Little girl you aren't happy
And you haven't been for a while
Why don't you do the things you use to do
And what happened to your beautiful smile

Little girl what about all of your friends
You haven't talked to them in so long
Why does it seem as if you've given up
And couldn't care less about being strong

Little girl why do you cry so much
How can you let one boy get to you so
This isn't the way you dreamed of things being
Why can't you just let him go

Little girl take a good look at yourself
Is this the way you want to be
Don't you think you deserve better
Why is it that you don't see

Don't you see the beauty behind your tears
Aren't you tired of crying yet
Don't you miss your laugh and the way you were
Surely they're impossible to forget

Little girl from this day on you must move on
It's time to get back your pride
You can't stop just because your gas ran low
No matter what you must finish the ride


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  • 12 years ago

    by NobodyKnowsItButMe

    Great write! I like monologue! 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by king smokey

    Great poem. A lot of people been in a state of mind where they get depressed over a ex and have trouble moving on. I like the flow of the poem 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Girl of Conviction

    Great job :]

    i love ur writing :]

  • 12 years ago

    by Mello193

    Great poem. i feel like alot of people have tried writing this thing before and not too many made it so simple and graspable as you did. great job

  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    I quite like this write...good job...5/5