Comments : Dancing For Rain

  • 16 years ago

    by Cindy

    What an enchanting piece you have penned. The imagery and word choices are awesome.

    Long time dead, drought is fed
    Kachina dancing for rain
    Butterfly showers, Hopi flowers
    From Mother all life is sustained

    Rain does so much to sustain life. You nvere stop and think about it till things start drying uup.

    Snakes along, maiden's song
    Sheltered cottonwood den
    Antelopes sway, flute music plays
    Drum beats, stepping begins

    I can almost hear the music of the flute and the beating drums. How beautiful.

    Thirteen priests, four turn east
    Poison coils abound
    Sacred meal, truth revealed
    Thunder stamps echoing sound

    Your words allow the reader to invision this ceromony.

    Chanting stops, blessed drops
    Soothing heat blistered hands
    Prayers carried, tears buried
    Infinite circles in sand

    You can feel through your words the joy from the success of their dance for the rain.
    Excellent job!
    Love Cindy

  • 16 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    Debbie this was an amazing poem and I feel as though you are able to write about any subject as though you have studied it all your life. You bring such an direct view to the reader with your word choice and imagery in every story you tell. You manage to weave a poem into your story and do it magnificently. Kudos to you for being such an amazing poetess.

  • 16 years ago

    by Sungrl And Mrs Whatsit

    Effective, affective, rhythmic, visually rich
    and, emotionally uplifting....

  • 15 years ago

    by Corinne

    Oh I like this DL :-) Has real energy and vivid images, like "infinite circles in sand" "antelopes sway" - so many. Very nice