Colours of my Heart

by Su   Aug 19, 2008

Colours in eyes of lovers
Catches endless gemstones
In you, I spot rainbow's arc
Flying across endless tones

Lets line them up in rows
First, the peaceful Blue
It perspects my saddness
In strokes that Tragic drew

Next, we perceive Brown
The element of Earth
Repressed personality
Covering around our girth

Then there proceeds Purple
A spiritual surrounding
Known for it's magic
Hidden inside your carings

You, beauiful in ways
That lights the midnight skies
Erasing the ugly Indigo
Covering my guilts and lies

Wisdom and joy I read
In you and in yellow
Without you to hug at night
I seach for nothing but pillows

Had I not remembered Orange?
It makes me crave for you
The traits of everyday
Tells stories in candle views

My nature and life with you
Had never been so pure
Just like the colour Green
It finds injuries to cure

Where you discover hatred
Love will be there in Red
Sorry for my misunderstandings
And every hurtful words I had said

Finally, the colour of Pink
Shinning love right out your eyes
Enlightening my every heartbeats
As it echoes across the skies

Colours in you, constructs
The spectrum my heart sees
Lighting up the darkest roads
For the future of you and me



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  • 15 years ago

    by Emily

    This is good

  • 16 years ago

    by Prasad Baadkar

    Playing with words of Rainbows, Spectrum, and colors... this poem is unique and different.

    Keep it up