Memory Book

by Tangible heartache   Aug 20, 2008

Hidden in the corner of my room,
Sits a book with pictures from the past,
Memories forever special,
And tears and smiles that'll last,

Among the pages,
Are pictures of you and me,
Laughing and hanging out,
Memoires that will always be,

Flipped to the middle of the book,
Is a picture a of us at the park,
Us sitting on the tree,
With our names engraved in the bark,

Another page, towards the back,
Is the time at school, at the play,
Acting out the scenes, and having fun,
Those memories will stay.

At the front, are our birthdays,
Born two days apart,
And dated on the day we made it,
And circled with a heart,

In the back, are our secrets,
Gossip we spread,
Stories we made,
And things we've read,

Last page of the book,
Are our names in blue,
Written to remember,
That this book is for me and you,

When you close the book,
Is a picture of you and I,
And whenever I look at it,
It makes me cry,

When I flip through or memoires,
I ask "where did the good times go?"
Was it my fault you left?
Will I ever know?

Why would you never let me help you?
I knew you cried yourself to sleep at night,
But I never knew you cut,
And I know that wasn't right,

When I heard about you on the news,
About your violent death,
I looked at the screen, and cried,
And took in a deep breath,

My best friend, my sister,
Had just died,
When I found out,
That night I cried,

Our memory book,
Now so painful to see,
The memories of the past,
And are about you and me,

It sits in a corner,
On a shelf where it lays,
Never to be read,
And there it'll stay.

Written by Makalah Aug. 19, 2008


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  • 16 years ago

    by slighte

    Wow. i have no idea why I haven't seen this before. This is one of the best pieces I've read of yours. Or just in general. Seriously. It's amazing. There's not really a lot more I can say about it.

    Ten trillion out of five.