Life gives us all tests its our choice to do our best.
the test of freedom is a different story the one ill tell is about a girl named Tory.
Tory had a sweet life a happy father a Mother who was his wife.
Her Mother was pregnant with her unborn child when she lost it she went wild.
Kicked out of home flat on her back every job she got the sack.
latter picked up as a bum by a man who said "ill pay you for fun"
Agreing to what the strange man said the sill girl nodded her head.
Latter on locked in a small wodden house shed been told "be quieter than a mouse!"
Black and blue with broken bones beaten to pulp like flattened stones,
the test of freedom has been ended the path she took cant be mended.
he comes back to finish what he started this life she knows of that she soon will be parted.
he cames back to beat her some more she takes the chance to dash through the door,
he comes after her with a bat she knows that its the end of that