Colors Fall Like Snow

by Austin   Aug 21, 2008

To the colors that inspired this poem: Thank you.

The colors flow throughout the air.
Lighting up my hollow affair.
They leave me gazing at the sky
Ignoring all the passersby.
How odd they must think it be
My staring at this simple sight.
If they knew they would agree
That they love this new delight.
I only wish the colors stay
Keeping all my fears at bay.
They must continue as my light
Banning darkness from my day.
If they leave or disappear
The shadows will begin to flow.
But still they fall around me here.
The colors fall like brilliant snow.

(C) Austin, 2008.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    "The colors flow throughout the air.
    Lighting up my hollow affair.
    They leave me gazing at the sky
    Ignoring all the passersby."

    ^^I adore these opening lines, such beautiful imagery that it creates vivid pictures for me, and pulls me into the piece. However I don't think you need "the" on the first line.

    "How odd they must think it be
    My staring at this simple sight.
    If they knew they would agree
    That they love this new delight."

    ^^I'm finding this piece to become better and better as I go along, with each line better than the last. I adore these lines, I found them to be full of so much emotion.

    "I only wish the colors stay
    Keeping all my fears at bay.
    They must continue as my light
    Banning darkness from my day."

    ^^Favourite lines of the piece so far. I found these lines to be incredibly beautiful and inspiring.

    "If they leave or disappear
    The shadows will begin to flow.
    But still they fall around me here.
    The colors fall like brilliant snow. "

    ^^What a beautiful closing, so much imagery and emotion throughout, and a strong, beautifully and elegantlly written closing that it stays with the reader.

    However I don't think you need "the", maybe :

    If they leave or disappear
    Shadows will begin to flow.
    But still they fall around me here.
    Colors fall like brilliant snow.

    I found this to be both original and unique in concept and made for an enjoyable read.

  • 16 years ago

    by InvisiblyHeartless

    The inspiration was creative. Interesting perspective. I didn't really enjoy the 'flavor' of this poem though. It sounded like you were aiming for dead set imagery, no room to imagine. I didn't... really feel any pictures presented.
    I think that this could be great with a little work.

  • 16 years ago

    by InvisiblyHeartless

    This was... creative. Interesting perspective. It didn't really seem to create and friction though. I've thought about it a little bit now, and I really didn't like the 'flavor' of this poem. It seemed very... plain. The imagery wasn't that well displayed. The words could be more vivid.
    If you worked on this piece a little more, I think it could be brilliant. It just... hasn't reached the ideal potential.

    <3 Lexie <3

  • 16 years ago

    by Hollymariee

    I really love it ! So original ... And I love the imagery . But , the rhyming is a little difficult because the scheme changes up alot . I had to reread it in some places to get back on flow . Still , 5/5 . Great job : ) .

  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany C

    I really liked this poem. It was perfect. The flow and wording was very nice. I saw nothing wrong with anything in this poem. I gave it a 5/5 for those reasons. =)