Sitting on Grass

by Hareem   Aug 21, 2008

Sitting on grass
I watched the sky
'T was bright and blue
With an extent so high

Early morning it was
Dew was falling on my face
Freshness flowed
Purity paced

Refining the ground
The gardener went by
He said salaam
And nodded I

Sounds of birds
Their cheers of joy
Hovering above
They caught my eye

Dwelling together
Was their innocent chore
I held my breath
My spirits soared

The next blink though
The white turned black
The flock dispersed
To escape the attack

Down the hawk sped
Seized a little one
The rest promptly deflated
Yet scared was none

Hawk flew in rounds
With its prey in claws
Then the birds put to play
A plan free of flaws

Converging upon the hawk
The birds flew above it
Pinching their tiny beaks
They made the hawk quit

The hawk flew away
Releasing the little being
The birds rejoiced
Once again cheering

Their frisson of success
Is a win ne'er to fail
How love and unity
Give strength to the frail!


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  • 16 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Hmm.. great imagery, seems the words are truly express and very emotion. i can figure out and felt how much this poem was very appreciated. u portrayed ur poem very well..

    marvelous job 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Sheep

    This is a great poem! the flow was great, and the last two lines really made it all come together. keep up the good work!