by MorbidCupcake Aug 21, 2008
category :
Life, society /
meaning of life
It's funny how life gives you good moments and bad and if you have too much of one, you know the other one is coming. Or how life gives you clues to whats coming next even if we dont always follow them. Sometimes when something bad is going to happen, you get the feeling that somethings not right about the day. You keep telling yourself its all in your head and then all of a sudden you hear that your mother was in a car accident or the house next door to you catches on fire. Bad things that you saw coming but you werent sure if it was true or just something mentally wrong with you for the day. Life is both amazing and scary like that. You never know when your times up or when you could be caught in a near death experience so you have to live your life cautious but not too cautious, and to the fullest it can be. I've heard that theres nothing like a funeral to make someone alive, and that couldnt be more true. Sometimes its the bad things, or the tragedies in life that make you finally realize you cant live with your head already in the grave, but you cant live with your head always in the clouds either. Maybe faith goes along with this theory but Ive never felt real faith. Someday Ill feel it and Ill believe in that God up there that supposivly watches down on us and tells us when we have to leave this life. Todays not that day but I have realized more than I did yesterday. Fear cant hold you back, but sometimes you need fear to keep you from losing control completely. And life is too valuable to drop for a stupid reason, you have to hold on and wait for the next drop in the rollar coaster. |