Much Too Late

by Hollymariee   Aug 22, 2008

Tell me lies and call me names
When you need I'm here to blame
Ignore me during my times of need
Live your life the way you please
Drink until you cannot stand
Refuse to let me hold your hand
When I need you, don't be there
Just act as if you do not care
Make those promises you cannot keep
Hide those secrets that haunt my sleep
Sneak around and "forget" to call
Cut me down and watch me fall
Make us seem like a big mistake
But there's only so much a girl can take
You never thought I was good enough
You sure miss me now; But that's just tough
Before you did the things above
Should've known your life without my love
Now you'll spend your life trying to find
Everything that you've left behind
For once boy, you'll cry real tears
While you reminisce on the past two years
But it's much too late to make things okay
Because it's in his arms I want to stay <3


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  • 8 years ago

    by ketaki

    Good well written a story of lost love.

  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    I liked this. It reminds me of some of my older work. Very simple, but the emotions are still powerful and clear. I liked the easy flow of things, makes it easier to read and relate to. You have a gift for reading sweet poems like this. Keep it up. Shanik

  • 16 years ago

    by Love is a Beautiful Thing

    I love this one i really know you how you feel ive been through that more than once you are letting out so much in this poem great, no excellent job 5/5!!!!

  • 16 years ago

    by DreamingOutLoud

    Amazing` powerful ending.

  • 16 years ago

    by Kimberley

    Everything was amazing but maybe its just me but the second last line sorta sounded off. i dont really know what you should wrte but it seemed.... wrong somehow. anywho amazing poem. 4.8/5 ~KM~