Never To Awake Again

by X Harlea X   Aug 22, 2008

Locked up all the time
mom yelling like someone did a crime.
brothers making me cry
sister saying I need to die.
grandma trying to help
but doesn't understand the deals I've dealt.
music blaring up
loud enough I no longer hear the fuss.
cutting my wrist deeper and deeper
relasing the blood keeps getting better and better.
going deep enough to where my world is a blur
my words starting to slur.
quiting within time
off to bed to cry.
time morning comes
my bed is stained with blood.
try waking me up
not understanding what the heck is wrong.
angels come to me singing a sad song
now they all got their wishes for me gone.
no more sin
never to awake again.


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Last Breath

    Omg i feel so much like this like all the time

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Oh wow. This was very very deep. Cutting is never good. It may help with the pain, but believe me you are just hurting yourself more. You really brought through some true emotions in this piece. I could feel them. Wow. Like Amber and DJ said "don't." Keep writing. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Dustin S

    Please dont

  • 16 years ago

    by Dustin S


  • 16 years ago

    by Amber

    "mom yelling like someone done a crime."
    Should be did a crime
    That was the main error I saw.
    Butt wow very sad and deep. But remeber this alright Cutting IS Never the answer. I know what you are going thro with the family thing trust me.. I have a lot going on my mom always yelling at me too.

    But it takes a strong person not to cut the pain away. I am hear if ou ever need to talk. But please no cutting.

    But Good job at the poem tho.