
by Baine Willows   Aug 23, 2008

Your hate cuts me deep like a knife
It's why I keep you close
The clock ticking breaks outward silence
My head is screaming yet again
I draw my knees up to my chest
Oh, how your fist did feel
Bruises fade a little too quick
Breathing burns and stabs
Just like your gaze
Just like your hands
Just like you
My eyes sweep across my darkened room
They fall upon a flash of silver
My little friend
He serves me well
He finishes all that you leave undone
I am taken care of
Light in my hand
So very cool
I extend a shaking arm
Pinch him between my fingers
Eyes intent on a white strip of skin
I press my flash of silver down
I press him deep
Drag him across
And close my eyes as my flesh weeps
I run my tongue over my lips
Heave a sigh of relief
Eyes still shut tight
I am quick to repeat
Just a few more
The room is getting quieter
My mind is running slower
And I am falling down
Clutching my flash of silver
Thinking of you
The path you make
Leading me headlong into
My self medication
My Salvation


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