Imagine all the possibilties
Imagine if all was peaceful
If all was serene
Imagine if there was no fighting or war
Arguements or sin
Imagine if this world was big enough for a choice
A choice between good and bad
where good ALWAYS triumphs over evil
But the reality is we do have choice
we live in a world full of
sickness, disease, brokenss and poverty
A fallen world where horrendous things happen
This was our choicee
By ignoring the voice of the voiceless
by letting the broken stay broken
Letting people go blind
Forcing peopel to shut their ears with all the hate
Letting people wander off into a world of lost hope
Imagine if we could give a vision-to let the blind see
Imagine if we not only heard the voice of the voiceless, but actually took time out to listen
Imagine if we no longer ignored people
If stopped the hate allowing people to hear again..
Imagine if we were given hope
If we could march together
To live in a world without poverty
without hate
But with hope
and love.
We no longer have to imagine this if we choose to make this reality...