Comments : Dark Wishes

  • 16 years ago

    by Frederick Mayer

    This poet seems to deftly use "I" in their poetic excursions and does it in a way that nearly sing to the works receiver as it plays the fibres of their being. It maintains a set atmospher and continuous sense of "enjoyment" that make it well worth the experience! I couldn't quite give it a "5" as there seems subjectively to me something missing.

  • 16 years ago

    by X Harlea X

    Wow.. this was very dark. i loved it! lol 5/5
    **harlea ;)

  • 16 years ago

    by Cara

    Wow. CJ, that was a different sort of write from you, it was very good and i liked the structure a lot.

    Open my eyes to darkness around me to embraces it
    ^^ Should be: Open my eyes to darkness around me to embrace it. No s on the end of embrace.
    I am a poet with no passion, no structure and no rhyme
    ^^ i couldnt disagree more. You are a poet with fantastic structure and rhyme is your fortay. Stay positive CJ, if you think highly of yourself, you are giving other people reasons to think highly of you.