I hate how this always happens,
how I'm always left here alone, crying my eyes out
because nothing in my life every goes right!
i always end up sitting on my bed in the dark,
blasting my tunes. trying to help me forget my pain,
but i know the pain is there,
so i sit here, hoping someone will just come along,
and save me but i know no one will ever come
because we all know people rather see me die inside,
I'm dying in my own pain, because no one
sees the pain i feel.
some people say if only you let it out, people could
help you, but you know that only will
cause more pain, to add to your pain.
ill always know i wasn't important enough,
for you to come save me,
or get me help
if only you knew right now,
that i was sitting right here with a knife,
in my hand, thinking of what you did,
would you really still be sitting there like
you didn't care?
no one would ever knew you're the reason
this knife is in my heart tonight,
and thats why i lay here, dead on my bed
---;;written by Megan Graciee Lovelyy.