Why Start A War?

by Siro aKa Gaara   Aug 27, 2008

When the screams of war become only whispers of pain
When the blood drenched ground is littered with those that were slain
When the sounds of swords clashing and battle cries have ceased
We think to ourselves
Why start a war to keep the peace?

When man, blinded by power, delved deep into the secrets of gun powder
When wars turned to who had the biggest guns, when the screams only got louder.
When the thunderous sound of gun fights leave its victims dead on the streets
We think to ourselves,
Why start a war to keep the peace?

When man, blinded by greed, sought to eradicate more than one enemy in a one blow
When the sound of explosions rip the silent nights apart, when no wheres safe to go
When fear claims the sanity of poor defenseless men, when theres war in the middle east
We think to ourselves,
Why start a war to keep the peace?

When will man get over his over inflated pride, when will the white flags rise
When will the guns be laid down by both sides, when will we honor those who, in the name of peace, gave their lives
When will we stop the senseless killing of our brothers, when will we unite as one,
When we can do all that we will need no more wars and mindless slaughter, because the war for peace will already be won.


*****P.S***** I do not care that it doesnt flow well, I had to get my feelings onto paper and didnt want to miss anything out ^__^ So if you are going to rate, please dont mention the flow lol


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  • 16 years ago

    by Bianca

    As usual, fantastic job.
    I felt you expressed your thoughts clearly and in a way that leaves the reader speechless.
    Loved it. :D

  • 16 years ago

    by LitxUpxWithxLife

    "When man, blinded by power, delved deep into the secrets of gun powder
    When wars turned to who had the biggest guns, when the screams only got louder"
    ^ Great lines i understand what you mean here about how everything just seems to escalate. Nothing ever slows down but instead it all gets worse. I loved the poem it flowed fine to me. I really liked the repitition in those lines about war and peace. Excellent poem (5/5)