We all have those times in our lives, when our empathy overrides our apathy, when the moments act as a pill. It is all the medicine we need to get through our tough time; it is the bliss that overrides our sadness. Why is it when at our lowest points we find the best in ourselves come out? Is it because we are trying to beat the unbeatable and in order to we have to put on our A game? Or is it because we just need the jump-start of something bad to get the best of our greatness to surface? It's the times when you look at yourself in the mirror and it feels like your mirror no longer reflects, and all you see is the opposite of who you really are. So what do you do, you grab a brick or punch the glass in. In doing so you either come out of it unscaved or a bloody mess. It's when you look deep inside yourself, deep in your heart to see what is pure and what is not. I know I'm not perfect, no one is, but we all try so hard, But for what? Aren't all the little things wrong with us that make us so right? Isn't the cute little screw ups she does that makes us love her more, and the mistakes that hurt so bad actually help bring us closer together? Life is short; it can either be sweet or bitter. So when you leave, why not leave everyone behind with a sweet taste in their mouths? This does not mean live for others, but live for the good in us all...