Chapter 3

by Hope Bound Heart   Aug 28, 2008

The Realization (chapter 3)

In all of my travels in all of my experiences, personal and ones Iâ??ve seen my friends in this is the one rule you never can forget. I know I am in love right now, but with whom you ask.... Look in the mirror. I am in love with all around me, to all who read this, because is love something that should be shared with all? Some may look at this and read with disgust and say NO it is something thatâ??s sacred and shared between only a few. How is that correct. I have a bunch of friends to which I know do not even know what its like to be in love, but thatâ??s only because they are looking for some conformist view on love, and to be ambiguous to this definition. Unable to admit that what they feel is love actually is. Love is everything and anything you want it to be. Love to me is many different things. It is a smile, shared between two faces; we spend forever searching for something someone that we think completes us when really it is right there in front of our eyes. We spend a lifetime trying to find some conformist view on love, trying to find what others view as acceptable, but who is wrong. Is it them or is it ourselves. When we have friends and family hat love us isnâ??t thisall that should matter? Who cares if the boy or girl we "think" we love, when in reality we could be perfectly happy with the ones around us. Never forget the most important information... boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but friends and true friends love is forever and that is nothing anyone can take away. The only reason we may hate someone is because we love them and do not want to love them, but a love once is a love forever, because love can never die, and if love can die then why are we here? Because some time some way someone loved someone enough to create ourselves, sad no matter what their stance is with each other now, they share one common interest, and thatâ??s the love they have for us...if we can accept the fact that love is obsolete, and unnecessary for happiness, then wouldnâ??t we wouldn't be happy just knowing were loved by the ones who love us and not the ones we love, but donâ??t love us back? Love is whatever what you want it to be, and if everyone in the world wants to chase endless dreams, hopeless loveâ?¦ then let them, but if they could just find the happiness right in front of the and accept it wouldnâ??t life have wondter way of working out? Because if we are happy around the ones we love, and the ones whoâ??s love we long but may not have, wont that someone feel better knowing your happy? Which in turn may lead to them loving us the way we want? And then we find out really how different we are and that it wasnâ??t love, just a leng experience? As well, we all chase the ones that appeal to our eyes and not our hearts, but in sense our mind tricks ourselves into thinking that their beauty is something we love, when really isnâ??t it the way someone makes us feel that is more important? The laughter, the smiles and the hope they bring us, sometimes its not the ones we think we love, but the ones who we go to help to that we should love, because arenâ??t they our deepest suters, when in the wrong donâ??t they point out our rights? And when in trouble or in sadness, arenâ??t they the ones to offer the first pint of Ben and Jerry's and a dry shoulder to cry on...I leave you with that to think about...


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