Nature Marches On

by Rachel RTVW   Aug 28, 2008

Shadows fall upon us all
An ever changing scene
Days shorter, nights grow long
Landscape so serene

Metamorphosis arrives
Green will be no more
Crimson, gold and orange
What Autumn has in store

Wind becoming crisper now
Seasons come and go
Picture painting masterpiece
Falling leaves shall show

Cycle of life once again
Another summer gone
Trees bare their all to you
As nature marches on


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  • 16 years ago

    by Rachel

    Trully amazing. Really. I found myself pause half way through and say out loud.. WOW. n then said it at the end too.. Then read it again. hah. It really is so good! Well done! Write more!

  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    As I read this, I could actually feel and see these changes around me. Your poem describes the area where I live as if you had lived here before and experienced our change of seasons. A real pleasure to read.

  • 16 years ago

    by SADADDY

    You have painted a picture in the readers mind with the words you have expressed so well. Thank you for sharing it with us. May peace and joy fill your heart each and everyday.


  • 16 years ago

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    Beautifully written you paint a lovely picture of the change of seasons , well done


  • 16 years ago

    by Christopher Wry

    Well done. Nice images