The little girl, not so little
Does her chores, not so focused
She wonders if the person ever knew
The little girl, wonders too much
The little girl, not so little
Goes online, very focused
She goes down the list
The little girl, thinks too much
The little girl, not so little
Opens a window, hesitates a bit
She types in a few words
The little girl, trembles too much
The little girl, not so little
Closes the window, no hesitation
Stares at the same cursor, same name
The little girl, worries too much
The little girl, not so little
Sits there for half an hour, absentmindedly
Does her research for a while
The little girl, lies too much
The little girl, not so little
She waits for the person to start a conversacion
Sits there for a few minutes, patiently
The little girl, is very lost
The little girl, not so little
Sees a orange blinking window, surprisingly
She types back a response
The little girl, hears her own heartbeat
The little girl, not so little
Chats with the person, dreamingly
She doesn't realize that an hour has passed
The little girl, blushes too much
The little girl, not so little
Is not a little girl, actually
She's just a little girl to the person
The little girl, accepts that she's just a little character in life...