Life is like a movie...
Clip by clip we live, sometimes directed by others
As the players come and go through the daily scenes
Fumbling our lines...
No outtakes on the cutting room floor, no room for error
Lines etched in eternity...
More like a play in the round, viewed by all
How can it be?
Life's little insanity...incessant daily mess...a wild life
Waiting for the final scene...
When it is over, will it have been enough?
No statue waits...
A lifetime achievement award is not in the cards
So live like the world is watching...
Make it a wild, wild, life...interesting for you...interesting for me...
what a dramatic piece. To bad we don't figure how whats importat at a younger age
It would be wonderful if we could rewind and edit out all the pain. Then we wouldn't be the stronger and wiser people we have become.
Great job on this.
Love Cindy