This distance between us is killing me inside
For all I yearn for is to be in your embrace
To be nestled once more securely by your side
Able to softly kiss your lips and beautiful face
Everytime that we're together feeling euphoric
Still saddened knowing eventually we have to part
Wanting to treasure each second in your arms
Each time we have to leave it tears apart my heart
And although I've never allowed you to see me cry
Tears fall like acid rain everytime that I'm alone
For I know that for the next few weeks and months
It's once more back to email text msn and phone
All this time being so far away from each other
Is the only thing that I have now come to dread
For even though I love you more than anything
Know that doubts still linger inside your head
But please know that each night I go to bed alone
Always dreaming, constantly thinking, only of you
Wishing only to be back in your arms once again
Babe, please realize that I'm never going to be untrue
For you're the one who has my unconditional love
Don't you realize that you've had it from the start
Snuck under my guard, knocked down my walls
That first day we met when you stole my heart