Comments : The reaper

  • That was good and creppy.I LOVED IT. great job.

  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This is well-worded but you need to add punctuation so the reader can understand it more clearly.

    "He wears a cloak as black as the night with a sythe to reap the fallen"

    Excellent opening, very captivating and your vocabulary is deep. Just end the sentence and add period at the end of the line.

    "he watches the hourglass like a vulture stalks its prey waiting for the last grain of sand to fall"

    Great simile here, just add a comma after "prey" and "fall"

    "to steal their souls away"

    Add a period after "away", end of line.

    "a creature to mysterious to see the reaper is always watching over me"

    The first "to" should be "too".

    Otherwise this is a wonderful poem that sends chills up your spine. Just work on the punctuation and you will be set to go.

    4/5 from me, take care and keep writing.


  • 15 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    A very short yet dark piece, really good =]
    Your descriptions of the reaper were very vivid! I tink if you give the poem a better structure the flow would run better