Comments : Honor Killed

  • 15 years ago

    by NightFlyer

    I have heard about this tragic phenomenon. And my blood boils with anger when I hear about this. My heart goes out to them. They are being murdered in cold blood. There is no honor here, only horror. How a family could slaughter their own daughter is beyond me. How I wish these women could be rescued from these monsters. The family members who do this deserve to rot in a dungeon for the rest of their lives. Your poem is a poignant reminder of this injustice!

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Very sad, 5/5. Em

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Sorry, I have just read what a honour killing is properly I was sure lol so I googled it, this is a really horrible crime and nobody should have to go through it. A belief is a belief I know but still this shouldn't happen.