You'll never really know...

by CanUKissAwayMyPain   Sep 13, 2008

People say's "it's gonna be alright"
that things will get better in time"
All freaken lies!
Things don't get better.
They only get worse.
As time goes by...
The darkness grows...
The tears flow faster...
The pain last longer..
The cut gets deeper..
The sorrows go forever..
People say "Don't worry I'm here for you"
No not lies.
I believe you guys are.
But you guys have no idea.
As time goes by..
Everything just gets worse for me.
Secrets that destroyed me inside.
Brought tears to my eyes.
Tears that flow faster by the second.
Darkness completes me .
Pain that will last forever.
Memories that turn my smile into frowns.
Makes me laughs into cries.
Just thinking "what if I went away and never came back. Leave this world forever"
Has I think this.
I think of you.
The people I would hurt.
The pain I'll bring them.
The tears that I'll make them cry.
The darkness that once was mine is now theirs.
Then I changed my mind.
My tears,
My sorrows,
My scars.
i'll keep them to myself.
I'll put up a smile.
Just for you to see I'm alright.
The world is just fine.
My life is great.................
But you'll never really know?


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by KemistryKia

    Love the frustration
    keep writing

  • 16 years ago

    by Hollywood

    Wow another incrediable piece!!!
    I loved it so much hun keep up all of your great work!!You get better as time goes on!!

  • 16 years ago

    by megan

    This poem is really good it reminds me alot of myself... it is funny how when u are feeling all of these different feelings you think that you are the only one and then like on this web site you can come on here and find so many different people that are having the exact same thing going on as you!! keep it up 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Goth marionette

    I liked the title and ur style in writing really..
    but there are some typos that need to be checked..It would make ur poem perfect;)
    Keep up the good work:)
    I look forward to checking more of ur poems;)

  • 16 years ago

    by Hollymariee

    The pain last longer.. lasts *
    The cut gets deeper.. - The cuts grow deeper ?
    Makes me laughs into cries. - Turns my laughs into cries ?
    Just thinking "what if I went away and never came back. Leave this world forever" - Left this world forever ?
    Has I think this. - I've thought this ?
    The pain I'll bring them.
    The tears that I'll make them cry. - Change both I'lls to it would ?
    The darkness that once was mine is now theirs. - Change is now to would be ?

    All the things with question marks are just suggestions that would make it flow better and make it all one verb tense . I really liked this .. I know what it's like . 5/5