Breathless eskimo kisses

by Cotton Candy Clouds   Sep 14, 2008

Eskimo kisses and
protective embraces.
Loving words whispered and
studying each others faces.

Wondering in your eyes and
anticipating your next touch.
Mesmerized by your smile and
there's no need to say much.

Your hands caressing my waist,
pulling me into you.
Your lips meet mine,
making me forget what to do.

Longing for the giggle
that tells me your ok.
Cherishing the kisses that let
me know you're here to stay.

Thank you for actually caring.
Thank you for being real.
Thank you for respecting me.
Thank you for helping me to heal.

You leave me breathless
by the way you treat me.
You are so genuine and rare in a
way more than the eye can see.

Copyright © Composed Catastrophe All Rights Reserved


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  • 14 years ago

    by Twistd StoRY

    I lovee it! it was so cute, and romantic. it made me think of my signicficant other the whole time =] 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by I love you always and today

    Aww usually love poems are hard for most to do and that was great i hope u keep writing cause your like a natural good luck

  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Take the & out. They take away from the poem.

    I liked this poem it is cute. I gave it 5/5. I saw nothing else wrong with it.

  • 16 years ago

    by Sumit Ojha

    This poem was very touching, I understood what the you was saying. Though i'm a guy, i still feel that reassurance of love by someone you adore is a great key to an awesome relationship. (5/5)

  • 16 years ago

    by FallingAngel

    Amazing, great job. You did wonderful on the rhyming scheme and it was very heartfelt. It was a pleasure to read, your an amazing poet. 5/5