Her Mascara Runs More Than Ever

by ABake   Sep 15, 2008

She hears the pounding of her heart in her ears- His voice echoes through her painfully scattered thoughts; love... love me baby... love me like never before. Her phone screams new message into the silence, awaking her from the lovely day dream she was in. Another forward message... Send to 10 people and the one you love will love you back! Sighing she scrolls through her address book and stops at his name...

Taking a deep breath, she attempts to press the call button- The first ring buzzes and she slams the phone down faster than you can imagine. Going out to parties, hanging out with friends- She has perfected her skill of pretending; but as soon as that door closes, her mascara runs down her face. Her pride won't let her admit it to anyone, but she misses him- She misses what they used to be.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    As always it's simply amazing and so easy to relate too. Most of us hide behind a smile when we're heartbroken and nobody can tell the differance. Amazing job 5/5 GG23