Comments : It Doesn't have to Change

  • 16 years ago

    by Kimberley

    Gosh. I loved this piece. you have a way with words!! keep up the good work KM

  • 16 years ago

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    Well that was well written and if you dont hide the way to your heart , then he surely will find it , for thats the way love goes. this poem smacked of innocence


  • 16 years ago

    by i care about him

    Great poem. I know EXACTLY what your talkin about! Btw, thanks for rating/ commenting on my poem. I will read your other poems etc... :)

  • 16 years ago

    by rebeccasarah

    Couldnt have been better,
    great job :)

  • 16 years ago

    by ether

    I love the beginning, it's sweet and innocent but with a hint of dark. However the poem weakened after these lines;
    "So I don't know if you like me or don't
    because chances are that you won't "
    It's so cliched and overused. Perhaps you could come up with a metaphor or change the language to make it more original?

    Then in the final stanza it changes to 'I' a bit too much; again I would say try and work on a metaphor or something different to fit in there.

    Now back to the beginning of the poem; (this comment is a bit all over the place, isn't it?)

    I love the innocents there on your behalf and the darker lustful side of the other person in the poem, they fit together well and I'm sure it's something that others can relate to well.

    "I like it like this, when we act this way
    neither of our hearts being portrayed "
    I love those lines, however I think you need to extend the first line to add more sylabols so the second line flows with it better. The way it is now the second line has too many sylabols and I like the second line too much for it to change ;)

    Still a great poem overall, 5/5

    jess ~

  • 16 years ago

    by LockedInEternity

    Oo a change of pace.. this poem rhymes:)
    this was one i enjoyed reading. Very cute, raw, has those sad hints in it.. and all that jazz,

    there was one verse that stood out more than the others
    "So I don't know if you like me or don't
    because chances are that you won't "
    - it feels like i just saw this same verse in your last poem i read by you "Im done"
    theres nothing at all wrong with it, the flow is great, the words go together.. but if i were you, i would try to avoid using it too many times because since it is a rhyming poem.. many others like you have the same idea and it becomes to be overused and eventually cliche.

    The beginning verses were ALL beautiful.. i loved them.. maybe if you want, id suggest working out some kinks in the last two verses and youd have urself an amazing poem.

    good luck x) xox


  • 16 years ago

    by A F

    I can relate to this.
    You know how to use your words.
    Great piece love <3


  • 16 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Yes this is really true, those thoughts is really such great and very well written, all the words are very meaningful. i love how u expressed those great thougths... just keep on writing all what u feel inside.. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Steven Topaz

    Wow its eery because this how me and one of my friends are now, I mean like if you pm me ill tell you more, but i wanna like show this to her and just say I found it on the web can I?
    Anyway I like simpilistic poems the best because they show the most emotion pushed all together making it seem like theres even more.
    I dont quite catch the first line, It doesnt feel forced at all but I dont feel the meaning. PM me?

  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless

    I think this poems of urs is short and sweet
    and i'm sure a lot of teenagers can relate this poem with u...including me heheh ...great job

  • 16 years ago

    by Cassie Cain

    Great poem. i really liked this one. lol. keep up the good work and keep in touch. lates. ^_^

  • 16 years ago

    by SashaMirage

    Awww. That was so sweet and filled with innocence. I am sure that many young people can relate. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    Hiding that you may know he doesn't like you but you turn a blind eye just for the feeling he gives you. wow! thats all I can say is wow. 5/5 on the poem that most girls do. and most guys to.