Story of My Life

by Conrad   Sep 18, 2008

You are my heroin
my addiction, my super strength
Being with me is the magic
leaving is the cold and dark

Life meaningless
nothing to fight for but yourself
And what is one person
but half a soul and love?

Nothing goes right
everything in chaos
Molecules collide
explosions in my mind tell me to stop this

The high of life gone
replaced with man's devices
No longer natural love
just human built terror for the future

Dry, barely alive
kneeling before the queen
The light gone from the day
eclipsed by your own inner darkness


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  • 16 years ago

    by Unamed

    Wow, this was good....the beginning reminded me of "twilight" with the whole heorin thing, but i like it...

    "Being with me is the magic
    leaving is the cold and dark"
    ^^ i think that is my fav.....haha

    "And what is one person
    but half a soul and love?"
    ^^thats deep, i like it...

    "Dry, barely alive
    kneeling before the queen
    The light gone from the day
    eclipsed by your own inner darkness"
    ^^very powerful ending. love it!

    I love the way u started and ended it......good job!


  • 16 years ago

    by Katie

    "You are my heroin" <-- This dragged me into it from the start. Amazing. Good job.

  • 16 years ago

    by xX the left behind Xx

    This is awesome.. :)
    there was something about it that made me really like it..
    keep writing all these cool poems dude.
    take care. Gb. :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Cassie Cain

    Great poem. i really liked this one. lol. keep up the good work and keep in touch. lates. ^_^