by Spirit Sep 18, 2008
category :
Life, society /
A leaf on the ground, |
by Gizmo
Rite i honestly think that this was fantasic, the meanings behind it were incredible crafted into the poem. this was a message to the world, i love the flow the quickness of the entirity of the poem. |
by Jenni Marie
"A leaf on the ground, |
by LoreNz0
The message i got from this really well written poem wasy to not let anything go unnoticed, to read between the lines and to appreciate everything and everyone everyday. |
by Lauren
What I think this poem is saying is that we over look so many things all the time, and take so much for granted. We ignore and overlook so many things. Lovely things. If we would just stop for a second to observe and take in things we could be a little more appreciative. That is what I think you are saying in this poem. |
I find it confusing throughout...that is, until the ending. It makes a wonderful thing out of nothing. My only complaint is I believe you fall out of rhythme every once and awhile. Very good. |