My Friend, I Love You

by Michaela T   Sep 21, 2008

To feel the soft breeze on my face
Is like the touch of your sweet embrace
To stare at the mountains so high
Is like your shoulder, where I used to cry

You've been my friend and my lover
You always guided me all over
You gave me the strength to hold on
And offer me so much admiration

The sound of your breath
Is like the sunrise and the sunset
It gives me joy and excitement
With a love that's so ardent

My friend, I love you
And I know you love me too
But please keep it a secret
To avoid ending up with regret


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  • 16 years ago

    by Big hersh

    Liked it, it was very sweet keep it up

  • 16 years ago

    by Mishka

    Hey Michela, this is really beautiful... i love the whole flow of it except, maybe, the very end...

    "But please keep it a secret
    To avoid ending up with regret"

    To me this sounded a bit awkward... and to be honest, I am not one to judge poetry... but maybe you could think a bit more and make it sound a bit better so that the end pangs you in the gut, you know what I mean? It seemed like one too many syllables in that last line.

    But other than that, this is reallllly good. :)
    Amazing job!
