Sitting here
Wondering what happened
Lost, confused, and terrified
Don't know what to do
Don't know where to go
Am I still here?
Am I alive?
Can anyone hear or see me?
Why am I like this?
What happened?
What did I do last night?
Why am I thinking?
Whats wrong with me?
Turning around in circles
Going with the mood
High in the skies
Floating threw the open sky
Questioning everything that happened
Just lost and confused
Don't know where to go from here
Thinking and lost in my world
Wondering what is everything I see is real?
Or is it jus a mistake that Im thinking of
I want to continue looking at you
I don't know you, I can't pretend
That I don't know you
Why do people still your love?
What is this that I feel?
Lostness and confusedness
Having nothing to do or think
Still wondering where and how I got here
Questions is all that I can do
Nevertheless questions don't help at all
Making me even more confused than I have ever been
Why are questions the answers to everything?
Why are answers the questions to everything?
Confusedness is everything
Its the answer to everything
Possibly the question to everything
That makes u spin in circles and get you light headed
Questions lead to a number of serious things in life
Our whole life we are questioning and answering
Its just how nature is and how it well always be
Questions are answers to everything
Lost and confused so many questions. Man I hear
you. this poem made me wonder about a few
things too. We all put on this mask where we
pretend everything ok but under it we al are
confused afaird and alone really.