Long distance relationship

by hayamechan   Sep 23, 2008

Long distance relationship
some people believe that it isn't real
but they are real
peoples feelings are real
its just like any other realationship
but this one is harder
you dont get to spend time with that person
its hard and sad
you sometimes feel like you just want to give up
but that same feeling makes you want to go on
because the moment you get to hold that person
tightly on your arms
itll dissolve all the bad feelings inside your heart
and forever never want to let that person go


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  • 15 years ago

    by JacKnife Jessica

    Thats exactly what im going thru rite now.....

    me and this guy hve been talking for over 3 years and are trying to get serious, but everyone is like "oh its not a real relationship"

    but its just as real as the feelings we have for eachother...

    to prove everyone wrong, we tried to date but one of his ex's is really trying to get him to ignore me, and i mean, its really easy for him to, and maybe he wont notice, but

    still : /

    theres all these websites taht i found that are 'thngs to do when ur in a lond distance relationship."

    theyre actaully pretty interesting.../

    Sryy about the long comment. usually when people get me talking, i wont shut up XD

  • 16 years ago

    by Zaxobabe

    Thats true...i know how it feelS

  • 16 years ago

    by Gaby
