On Your Birthday

by The Unwritten Love   Sep 23, 2008

On your Birthday
Many Words To Say
Many feelings to show
Many pictures to draw

I need to be there by your side
So i can hear your heartbeats when your wishing
To feel your breath when your blowing

To let you taste how sweet the cake is giving
To take you aside and give you a kiss under the light
So i can see you smile after that
And say that you have never had sweeter than that
To take my hand and move around
Talk to people and laugh around
To dance alone when people are gone
To sleep in your arms and feel safe

So I'll Be There every year
TO Let You Have The Best Bday You've Ever Seen


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  • 10 years ago

    by BlueJay

    This is a sweet little note and very well penned. I hope it got the point across :)