You tell me its me, all to my blame
Don't you know that i'm innocent
A captive to you false claim
It holds me prisoner... In chains
Pulling at my every thought
Rubbing against each movement
No longer am I a free lady
I am your slave, serving your lies
The things you say, its painful
You kidnap my heart, no more
Just roping me to you, unwanted
Let me go, oh captor, let me free!
Set me to my world, unharmed
These ropes, cutting into me,
Handcuffs keeping me in this spot
I'm innocent, never proven guilty
Fracturing my inner bones
Stripping at my only hopes of passing
This trip you sent me on, wildly
Knowing that it would mean something
Telling others nothing honest, but me
I know what you are, how you work
But you, you lie to everyone
And I know to much oh master
Please let me from this chamber,
Free shall I run again