I was talking to negative Nancy by the riverside
She's looking for somewhere new to hide.
Her happiness runs out quick, like falling rain
And the needles pierce her skull with pain.
I used to love negative Nancy by the riverside,
Until it showed just how much she'd died.
Now, I've moved along the roadside, calmly
To find true love waiting naturally.
The road was long, and tiring, but very much worth wait
I've come to the conclusion that I must've been her bait.
I was used to catch the short lived feelings of the soul
That come up to the surface to howl with no control.
Negative Nancy was just fifteen years old,
She lied to get her left foot in the door.
The right foot kicked and knocked me cold,
And my heart slipped suddenly onto the floor.
I'm looking down on years of pain I attribute to things like her,
That took advantage of a heart that no choice but to defer.
But like a flower I've grown to bloom real high,
And when I look down I see my roots below the sky.
Negative Nancy tried to kill me on one long summer day,
And my heart tumbled in the sand, over and over the hay.
It was a long goodbye to cleanse my heart of her
But now my soul is happy in the way that I prefer.
And Negative Nancy's shadow has plundered down a hill;
Its creeping in the darkness, far away from any kill.
If I ever come to see her again I'll bring her flowers
For her lost soul to come back with new, pure powers;
So that all evil from her heart is gone from it's tower.
I've got a pure love with me, so deep in my heart
That a shovel couldn't dig to reach the bottom.
Her kisses, hugs and loving stares are art
To my soul that appreciates even a depressing autumn.
And the year has no more sad seasons
Because Negative Nancy has left.
When she returns my heart will commit no treason;
It knows what it deserves.
Love is all around me like the matter that makes air
And my true love emerges with roses in her hair.
Her smile is quaint like a fire that flairs
To turn on souls that had no smiles to bare
And had taken up chairs to ask in silence, " where?"
â"Where is love, and will it ever come over to share?"
Negative Nancy tried to kill me on a cold summer day
But now she lays dying in an empty hall of vomit.
Her malicious smiles have long shoved happiness away
And an energy in space is shot out like a comet.
I see you, positively, my true love rings
My Leilah, queen of souls that swing
To the pendulum of love and time
That makes everything definitely fine.