Thinking ...

by ash   Sep 25, 2008

Thinking ...
by: Ash

feeling down
feeling sad
don't know anymore

why should I stay?
Why should I even try?
Why should I live?

It will never get better
it will only get worse
it won't get better

living day in day out
feeling hate and sad
feeling rage and self-hating

I know the truth now
I don't hate you
I don't want you dead

I hate my self
I want to be dead
is that just plain wrong?

It don't hurt when I say I hate my-self
or I want to be dead
I don't really feel any pains at all

so I not afraid to die now
if you get me out
I will make you regretted it

I already got it all plan out
buy some rope
buy some sleeping pills
have a car

don't worry
I will feel good!
but you sure as hell won't!


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  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    I already got it all plan out
    buy some rope
    buy some sleeping pills
    have a car

    'plan' should be planned in this stanza

    I hate my self
    I want to be dead
    is that just plain wrong?

    my self should be myself, no space between the two

    so I not afraid to die now
    if you get me out
    I will make you regretted it

    regretted in this stanza should be regret

    overal, a great poem well written