
by Josh   Sep 26, 2008

It's a sad sad day
When you lose a mate
But one of my Converse
Suffered just such a fate

How will I find it
The only shoe I ever lost
It was a good shoe
Oh, all night, how I tossed

Did it leave on its own
Or did it conspire
To run off with that darned heel
The lone sock from the dryer

I could not find it
Oh, where could it be,
That poor canvas shoe
It meant so much to me

I looked in my closet
And under my bed
But all that I found where
Dust bunnies instead

I looked in the furnace
And under the coal grate
Every nook. Every Cranny,
Yet no sign of my sole mate.

I had to face facts
That shoe was not there
My mood changed from panic
To one of despair

But despair was no more
It was no longer a pair
One shoe with no sole mate?
That hardly seems fair

Oh what will I do
Schools in just a few minutes
There's a sneaker gone missing
And my foot isn't in it

So I grabbed my backpack
For I figured I must hop
To get down the street
In time for my bus stop

There are few things more silly
That you'll see on the street
Then a girl hopping madly
With one shoe on her feet

Quite tired I was
When I got to the corner
With the bus driver waiting
And honking her horn

I needed a drink
To quench my thirst
This day was becoming
One of the worst

So I unzipped my backpack
And I swear this is true
Inside my lunchbox
Was that stupid old shoe

How did it get there?
I wondered a bunch
And what in the world
Had I done with my lunch?


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Latest Comments

  • 14 years ago

    by victoria

    Haha omg. too funny. you sure know how to lighten up a mood.lmao. great job!

    HAHA GO GATORS!!!!wooot!!!


  • 15 years ago

    by kati

    Haha wow this is an awesome poem. its hilarious! great job =D

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Hahaha I really enjoyed this. Very funny piece and always sticking to the point. I wonder where your lunch is lol :) 5/5, Em

  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Ok im goin to be honest here and tell you that iv'e been laughing ever since the line
    'The lone sock from the dryer'
    you had me in stitches, i honestly cant see why more people havnt commented this, it's bloody funny. Im adding you to my favs, youv'e made my day with this poem =]

  • 16 years ago

    by 0oAshleyo0

    Oh my god.
    this is great!
    im literally Laughing out loud. :P
    this is way way better than i coldve done!
    good job!!