Oh if we're a bird

by nicole   Sep 28, 2008

Oh if i we're a bird,
id fly, fly away.
id spread my wings and sore through the sky.

Oh if i we're a bird,
id fly, fly away.
id circle the sun and feels it warmth.

Oh if i we're a bird,
id fly, fly away.
id sing sweet songs of joy.

Oh if i we're a bird,
id fly, fly away.
id travel with geese & doves, and get along.

Oh if i we're a bird,
id fly, fly away.
id visit foreign sea's and land.

Oh if i we're a bird,
id fly, fly away.
id spend my days racing the wind.

Oh if i we're a bird,
id fly, fly away.
id up and leave with the storm.

Oh if i we're a bird,
id fly, fly away.
id finally be at rest.


inspired by a bible verse.


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  • 16 years ago

    by AnCi

    To me this poem showes a strong desire for freedom and to get away from everything in your life today.. There is a good saying that i heard not so long ago "It's not what they take away from you that matter, it's wjat you do with what you have left".. I believe that you can make your life great, right now, if you only believe in yourself and once again think positivie =) I can recommend a book for you that changed me.. It's called "The Secret"... I used to be a pessimist but now i only think positive :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Lisa

    This poem was very nice, it made me feel so free when I was reading it...5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Kinda diffent than your usual poems. Its good
    that you can write all kinds of subjects. me I
    don't think I have any passion about anything
    but addiction and depressing things. This is
    really good nicole I mean it its really good writting
    5/5 cy

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