Comments : Not a mistake

  • 16 years ago

    by Mishka're not a mistake, sweetie. you were put here for a reason. i promise you this. you'll find out soon... just keep your head up, your chest out, your mind in tact. believe in who you are and strive to find out... why you are who you are.
    there is a reason..there has to be.

    this was a very beautiful poem, makalah. i really liked reading it, i could relate to your words... how you make others feel better so no one thinks your sad, maybe you'll get the same thing back... maybe karma will play along...
    things will get better.
    you keep expressin gyourself as lovely as you do and stay strong.

    love you. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Littlewriter-a

    Been there and felt that. I know what its like living in a world you feel you dont belong, always hiding behind a mask as to not bother others and always having to be happy. That just makes me think of me.
    ~Heart Beat Thunder~