You we're a red flag from the start
But i was too naive
I "loved" you, or so I thought
I was 15 years old, for gods sake
How dare you take advantage of my innocence
You stripped me of all confidence
You broke me in two
You were old enough to know better
I believed everything you said
I believed I'd be alright
I didn't think you'd snap
You grabbed me out of nowhere
You hit me in the face
You tore my clothes off
I couldn't scream loud enough
It felt like you had drained the life out of me
Every thrust felt like a thousand knives
When you finished you said
"see it wasn't that bad"
I felt like trash
I wanted to kill you where you stood
You walked out and never spoke to me again
I'm 22 now and your still in jail
Because of you, I can't let any man close to me
I'm terrified they'll turn into the scum that you are
I may have lost a chance with the greatest guy in the world
I will never forgive you
You have scarred me too deep