Midnight Dork

by Beautiful Disaster   Sep 29, 2008

I cannot write poems
I know that that is true
But Ill put my pen to paper
And write one just for you

Im sitting here right on the floor
A toilet as my desk
You see, I told you so
Cant think of anything to rhyme with desk

Dusk sounds pretty close I guess
Its just one letter away
But all dusk is, is a pretty word
For the leave of day

Thinking isnt something I like to do
And Im not so great with words
If I write too many more stanzas
Theyll all turn out like turds

Im getting pretty tired here
Cant even see a clock
So Ill put away my pen for now
Ending a poem that didnt rock

Jesse wanted me to write a poem...well, he got one XD
Yes, i realise this isnt good in any form of the word, but its what you get when i try to write my first poem at midnight
Written 6/6/08


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  • 14 years ago

    by KirbySize

    i loved this poem it made me smile and giggle inside =)
    keep up the good work !

  • 16 years ago

    by JaceBaby

    This poem is so awesome! the setting, the way you wrote it and its funny. it wasnt forced, it just flowed. and you showed yourself in the poem. this is awesome i love it =]]

  • 16 years ago

    by Kaila

    Lol.. this reminds me of a guy in my 8th grade class writing a poem for his gf.. he pretty much had me write it for him haha..
    neways.. i love the poem.. it is really good.. ESPECIALLY since you wrote it so late :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Sorinity

    Not good?? i loved this poem!!! it wasnt forced it had a purpose and a great flow. cant wait to see more!

  • 16 years ago

    by Destiny Marie Babyy

    Lol i love this

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